The Surprising Power of Silence: How Glazing Insider's Two-Week Social Media Hiatus Boosted Website Visits by 33%

In today’s digital age, where constant engagement on social media is often seen as a key to success, it’s hard to imagine taking a step back. However, with our brand Glazing Insider, we decided to challenge this notion. We embarked on an intentional two-week social media experiment to see what would happen if we temporarily halted our online presence. The results were surprising and enlightening.

The Experiment

As a podcast brand dedicated to the glazing industry, we have always been active on social media, sharing episodes, engaging with our audience and promoting our content across various platforms. But we wanted to understand the true impact of social media on our overall engagement and website traffic.

So, we decided to conduct a bold experiment: for two weeks, we stopped posting on social media entirely. No tweets, no Facebook updates, no Instagram stories. We were curious to see if this silence would negatively affect our brand or if it would reveal new insights into our audience's behaviour.

The Outcome

To our astonishment, during this two-week hiatus, Glazing Insider's website visits increased by an impressive 33%. This unexpected surge in traffic prompted us to delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon.

Focused Attention and Organic Exploration

Without our regular social media updates, our audience seemed to redirect their attention to our website. Deprived of our usual bite-sized content, many listeners sought out our site for a deeper engagement with our brand. Instead of simply scrolling through our social posts, they explored more of what Glazing Insider had to offer.

The Power of Scarcity

The sudden scarcity of our social media presence appeared to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity around our content. This scarcity effect likely spurred our audience to actively seek us out, visiting our website more frequently than they might have if we had continued our regular posting schedule.

Encouraging Direct Engagement

With no fresh social media updates, our audience turned directly to our website for the latest episodes and information. This direct engagement bypassed the social media platforms and fostered a more personal connection between our listeners and our brand. It seems that in the absence of our usual online chatter, our audience became more proactive in their quest for content.

Lessons from the Silence

This experiment provided us with invaluable insights. It highlighted that while social media is an essential tool for brand awareness and community building, taking a strategic pause can refocus attention and potentially enhance direct engagement with our website.

We’ve learned that sometimes, less can indeed be more. This two-week break from social media demonstrated the benefits of occasionally stepping back and letting our audience seek us out. It revealed that scarcity and the absence of constant updates could lead to a deeper and more meaningful engagement with our brand.

Moving Forward

As we move forward, we plan to integrate these findings into our strategy. We will continue to use social media but with a more mindful approach, balancing our regular activity with intentional pauses. This way, we can cultivate a more engaged and curious audience who values our content not just on social media but across all platforms.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, sometimes it takes a step back to discover new paths forward. This experiment has shown us that even in a world dominated by social media, silence can speak volumes.


What happens when you don’t post on socials media for 3 weeks.